Fresh Second Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea Arrives at DTB

This is the best Muscatel of the season from Namring tea estate.


Description: Slender wiry brown leaves. Aromatic, a typical Muscatel of this season.

Smell: Distinct Second flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma. Refreshing. Very Muscatel. Sensuous.

Liquor: A coppery liquor got from a 3 & 1/2 minutes steeping around 95 degrees centigrade, typical of this teas from the Queen of hill station. It holds the characteristic fragrance even after brewing, and is complimented by an equally more ambrosia like muscatel taste, which is perfect for as a breakfast tea, or as an afternoon tea, to rejuvenate the tired cells.
A good second and third infusion was got from the same water temperature with a steeping time of 4 minutes and 5 &1/2 minutes.


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