Grand Parent’s Day – 2015

Grand Parent's Day 2015
Grand Parent’s Day 2015


This Sunday, the September the 13th of 2015, is celebrated as Grand Parents day in the US.


Quotes on Grandparents
Quotes on Grandparents


In Japan, the Grand Parent’s Day is celebrated on the third Monday of every September. This year it falls on the 21st of September 2015. In Japan, it is called Keiro No Hi, or the Respect for the Aged Day and is a national holiday. 


Keiro No Hi, or the Respect for the Aged Day in Japan
Keiro No Hi, or the Respect for the Aged Day in Japan


How to make it grand this year?


Some resons why our Grand parent is Grand
Some resons why our Grand parent is Grand


We have listed a few things-you-can-do to make it memorable one both for you and your grand parents. Give relations the wings and spend time with them.

  • Go for a walk in the garden or a forest nearby.
  • Cook a meal together.
  • Be Creative. Take out the art work and join the fun.
  • Enjoy a trip to the local attractions you’ve never been to.
  • Sip Tea and enjoy the conversation.


Sipping Tea with Granny
Sipping Tea with Granny


Let us make 2015 a memorable one and a Grand one for them. What Grand things you have in mind for them?

Share with us.
